FOnline Development > Questions and Answers
FOnline SDK - Question
--- Quote from: Bevolard on September 25, 2012, 02:53:37 am ---I still want help on this grid problem
and if adding more zones solves this how do i do that?
--- End quote ---
kay, I'll try to explain it correctly on steps
1)You need to know how much images in worldmap which u cutted and set this values in default.ini
--- Code: ---GmapTilesX = 4 //Count of worldmap images on height
GmapTilesY = 5 //Count of worldmap images on width
--- End code ---
2)You need to know how much pixels on your worldmap in sum, like 2400x3800 and each value u must divide to
--- Code: ---__GlobalMapZoneLength = 50; // How much pixels in 1 zone, maxmim is 500
--- End code ---
and then set this values
--- Code: ---__GlobalMapWidth = 48; // Maximum 100, just an example
__GlobalMapHeight = 76; // Maximum 100, just an example
--- End code ---
same values u need to set in worldmap.fos
--- Code: ---#define ZONE_COUNT_X (48)
#define ZONE_COUNT_Y (76)
#define ZONE_LENGTH (50)
--- End code ---
3)Mask...but u know it from previous message
4)Make shure, that u got equial pieces of worldmap, its VERY IMPORTANT!
ronon dex:
I reinstalled my system in a PC. I had to re-download the SDK. somehow I do not remember where the start script. please help, client reports an error and I have still not correct. thank you for your answer.
Thank you SEGA_RUS I now understand :)
I've Noticed That in The Life After, the animation for picking up Objects is the Same as using an item. How can I switch this so That the animation is the Same as dropping or looting? Thanks! :)
--- Quote from: Bevolard on September 26, 2012, 02:33:44 pm ---I've Noticed That in The Life After, the animation for picking up Objects is the Same as using an item. How can I switch this so That the animation is the Same as dropping or looting? Thanks! :)
--- End quote ---
Open client_main.fos , find
--- Code: ---case ACTION_PICK_ITEM:
if( cr.IsLife() && valid( proto ) )
cr.Animate( 0, proto.GroundLevel ? ANIM2_PICKUP : ANIM2_USE );
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---cr.Animate( 0, proto.GroundLevel ? ANIM2_PICKUP : ANIM2_USE );
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---if (proto.Type < 8 ) cr.Animate( 0, ANIM2_PICKUP );
else cr.Animate( 0, proto.GroundLevel ? ANIM2_PICKUP : ANIM2_USE );
--- End code ---
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