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--- Quote from: Kilgore on February 19, 2012, 10:48:28 pm ---The outcome of your work is the thing that counts, not the tools you use, my master.

--- End quote ---

So that means yes, I'll guess, my minion.

Well, if you like to do a million useless clicks and stuff, go for it. I am using the thing since 4 or so years and it's one of the most basic and rough mapping tools I've touched since ever. Doesn't matter if you can work with it or not, when it comes to usability, the thing just sucks.

What counts in case of creative tools is the time you need to get shit done.

Mapper doesn't help here a little bit except maybe that it has crude copy/paste.


--- Quote from: Kilgore on February 19, 2012, 10:14:39 pm ---The real problem is that there is almost no tutorials for mapper or good how-to-make-a-map guides.

--- End quote ---

That's pretty much true and the current ones are outdated. But to be honest it's not so hard to use it took me about 1 hour or so to get the hang of it. I started easy by modifying the available maps. Maybe added some NPC's of my own or something. Easyer than that it can't be. I think the creator of mapper wanted for it to be much like the one Black Isle made for Fallout 2, you know to make it have that falloutish feeling of the good ol' times.

Falloutish feeling in editors?  ::)

I think the reason why original commercial game development teams often have crappy editors is because it may take more
time to make a good one than finish maps with what they have before game release.

The only reason why the mapper has a "falloutish feeling" is because I've edited the interface long time ago and made it resemble the BIS mapper a little bit (so I would get used to the switch over easier). Other than that, the two programs are quite different.


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