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Sniper build

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I had a finesse sniper too last build.
It's useless if you want to do serious damage as it reduces the damage on criticals quite significantly.


--- Quote from: HertogJan on September 02, 2010, 10:55:17 am ---I had a finesse sniper too last build.
It's useless if you want to do serious damage as it reduces the damage on criticals quite significantly.

--- End quote ---
wonna damage? take BGner


--- Quote from: farnak on September 02, 2010, 11:11:04 am ---wonna damage? take BGner

--- End quote ---

We're discussing sniper build here.

bypass armor = finesse ftw.

groin shots are secondarily powerful to limb shots for a crippler. you cant do anything but die when you're knocked out.

Nuka doesn't help you in any way in this build. If you really are going to use a nuka cola, lower agility to 7(enough for BRoF, after nuka it will still be 8. And there's no difference between 8 and 9 agility-your current build).
Also lower your Intelligence to 5, you don't need it so high.
Put these two points from Agility and Intelligence to Perception. You're gonna have 10 PE(with cigs) then.

Instead of Outdoorsman tag First Aid if it's a powerbuild.
Lower your SG to something like 220%. It will still give better results with 10 PE than 239% with 8 PE and going to let you spend much more points on FA i Doc that are very useful during fights.

You're gonna get two aimed shots in arms/legs/groin with a Sniper Rifle, but if you want to aim into head, Sniper Rifle uses too much AP. Instead of it you could use a Hunting Rifle or an Assault Rifle. Low damage though, and you are a crippler anyway, so you don't really care about damage, just about crippling(2 shots and still having high cripple chance helps very much).

If you wanted damage, remove finesse, use a Sniper Rifle and do one head/eyeshot in a row. That's enough. If you wanted two, you would've need to get 2 Action Boys and 9 Agility(+ nuka and jet) - and that means sacrificing More Criticals or something else.

That's all.


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