Other > Suggestions
Pip-boy chat system
You can just use a radio for that.
--- Quote from: Surf Solar on September 01, 2010, 05:23:01 pm ---You can just use a radio for that.
--- End quote ---
Alt-tabbing better, than taking damned radio and holding in off-hand, so... radio gives only distress calls, nothing more.
--- Quote from: Surf Solar on September 01, 2010, 05:23:01 pm ---You can just use a radio for that.
--- End quote ---
Ok. when youre in a big faction on some TC or hunting - yes. But other times when you want to check if they are in the game because no one is at the base you just assume everyone is carrying a radio in their active slot? Wrong. Besides, this online/offline status of your buddies is just a small thing for MMO users not to seek their friends somewhere else. Instead of going on mumble/IRC/w/e we could have some basic communication/status system that does not force us to use third party programs - mumble/irc/etc
Ok. So disregarding the chat thing. The status could have a description like: Online:NCR
Ofc almost everybody, who takes part in any player-driven faction use their radio ONLY to create /h locations.
Any other communication issues are solved by using icq/skype/mirc/whatever.
All that RavenousMouse offers - is to make such things mor3 convinient and easy-to-use for newcomers.
For reasonsLike everyone else is saying I must say +1 :-*
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