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Big Gunnersmith

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Dante Revill:

--- Quote from: HertogJan on August 31, 2010, 06:26:01 pm ---Move 1 point from IN to AG.
Forget about doc and FA, skill points saved from not increasing FA and doc are more than enough to compensate for the loss of 1 IN.
You still might want at least 40 FA for an easier start as you can make weak healing powder that way.
The extra freed points can be put in outdoorsman.
Survivalist increases outdoorsman, pathfinder only changes travel speed.
So pathfinder isn't necessary for safe travel, it's just convenient.
Trade lifegiver for packrat for another +22 carry weight and with strong back that can make a total of 80 (134 without small frame) carry weight.
If your outdoorsman is high enough, you will hardly be in an encounter and therefore won't need the action boy perks.
You could exchange them for pathfinder if you like.

Play around with the character planner.
Keep in mind you should take survivalist perks as late as possible as skill points at low level get you a higher skill than points used at a later level.

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I've put 7 in ST so i can exp with Rats/Scorpions/Mutated Molerat. But i think that i don't need 124 Carry Weight, i think tath 100 wil be fine. So i can remove one Pack Rat/Strong Back to take Pathfinder early. With 4 Ch + Mentats, i can bring 120 5mm to BoS. what do you think? And waht can i take instead of one Pack Rat/Strong Back?

Uneven AG is a waste of 1 point.
Better remove small frame (by doing so you can remove both strong backs) or move 1 LK to AG.
Action Boy (2 levels) is a nice perk,

Dante Revill:

--- Quote from: HertogJan on August 31, 2010, 07:42:09 pm ---Uneven AG is a waste of 1 point.
Better remove small frame (by doing so you can remove both strong backs) or move 1 LK to AG.
Action Boy (2 levels) is a nice perk,

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I need AG 7 for lv3 profession BG


--- Quote from: Dante Revill on August 31, 2010, 10:14:40 pm ---I need AG 7 for lv3 profession BG

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I know.
But that's 1 expensive point if you only use it for that.
Put an extra point in AG to get it to 8 so you have an extra action point (useful to get out of encounters).

Dante Revill:

--- Quote from: HertogJan on August 31, 2010, 10:38:07 pm ---I know.
But that's 1 expensive point if you only use it for that.
Put an extra point in AG to get it to 8 so you have an extra action point (useful to get out of encounters).

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You are right, but i can't take this point from LK... with 2 Luck, I think that I will drop my ammo and weapon a lot o time. But i can try. So i will take Kamikaze and ???, so i can remove Pack rat or Strong Back for other.


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