Other > Suggestions
random raids on towns
i don't see why the powder gangers, raiders and sometimes tribals cant attack towns. say, about once or twice a day, a town would get raided.you could kill NPC, getting loot. in the world of fallout, i don't see why people wouldn't try to take over towns. a player could get a reward for killing there, something like 10-100 caps depending on there level, the town's wealth and military presence. say, for example the new California republic was bein attacked by powder gangs, if you kill them, and repel the attack you'd get paid. if they took over the town, you'd not get paid. you would use equipment that you've got from the wasteland or have crafted.
sorry for bad spelling and grammar. i hope you understood my point
Was there any powder gangs in Fallout who were raiding the same town twice or even triple times per day? What is this?
Every town will be like Arena with posters: "Today in 14:00 Raiders will attack us! Gather in centre so they can kill us again and again, like they did it already 80 times last month! But we're immortal highlanders! We'll respawn again, so they will never kill us all!"
If you're talking about town control.. well it's already implemented... long time ago.
mabie once a week then? im talking about irl time, not ingame time
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