Other > Suggestions
Grey Fox:
dun dun dun... fatality!
heart hit like in kill bill? five pointed palm exploding heart technique!
I think this is demonstrated enough by a HtH being able to Piercing Kick some guys eyes, with the proper build, more than able to knock him out. He then can proceed to eye-rape the person on the ground while they are unconscious.
I know, HtH is a little 'bland' but it is, afterall, just Hand-to-hand. Maybe different 'styles' of combat can be used in the future, with the advent of 3D. The styles could confer different attack sets (much like your SPECIAL and HtH % decides what HtH attacks you have available), effecting damage, damage types perhaps (HtH with Penetrate (:D) traits to the attack), AC modifiers, or whatever. /random
Unarmed could dodge bullets like in Matrix.
Hm about the moves: neck twist, slap, roundhouse kick (extreme fatality rate), chakra punch and more!
--- Quote from: Gatling on August 29, 2010, 12:41:27 am ---I think this is demonstrated enough by a HtH being able to Piercing Kick some guys eyes, with the proper build, more than able to knock him out. He then can proceed to eye-rape the person on the ground while they are unconscious.
--- End quote ---
Unarmed should stay as it is because they dont have to risk anything to kill anyone so fuck em.
Melle on other hand must risk for good result so I approve this message.
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