Other > Suggestions

close combat(a.k.a. melle skill)

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--- Quote from: RavenousRat on August 28, 2010, 07:31:58 pm ---There must be another option, for example look at Fallout1.
200% skill cap, excellent, it's supposed to be like that, AC playing great role on long distances, however 10 PE+Sharpshooter will be the only way for snipers. One Hander trait will play big role for pistol users, because of floating +20% bonus.
Always 1 skill point for raising skills, even after 100%, 125%, etc.
Your character will have alot skills, even raising non-tagged skill means something, because now spending skill points on non-tagged skill? Pff.. ok till 101%, spending skill points on non-tagged skill after 101%? Even 10 IN + Skilled won't help you.
Also changing something frol original Fallout like skills itself (removing, adding, etc.) will have big impact on it.
Yes, there's a reason to combine some skills like sneak+steal, so sneakers will be also thieves at the same time, FA+Doc, so you don't need raise 2 skills to be doc, repair+science, so you don't need to again raise two skills to be crafter, but... gl with this on your own server when SDK released.
Btw.. combining melee and unarmed? This is one of the worst combination can be imagined in Fallout, even SG+EW sounds better but it's again shit.

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This is good, but some skills like sneak (which already needs balancing) would have to be balanced.


--- Quote from: RavenousRat on August 28, 2010, 07:31:58 pm ---There must be another option, for example look at Fallout1.
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Fallout1 is a singleplayer game and over ten years old. Some game design ideas which are today didn't exist back in 1997. Nonetheless I didn't quite get what you mean with all that numberic mumbo jumbo. That combining two skills will somehow imbalance the whole special? That's something we don't need to discuss because to integrate 2 skills, special skillpoint division would obviously have to be taken into account.

--- Quote from: RavenousRat on August 28, 2010, 07:31:58 pm ---gl with this on your own server when SDK released.
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I'll just tell you the same whenever you encounter something that needs changing.

--- Quote from: RavenousRat on August 28, 2010, 07:31:58 pm ---Btw.. combining melee and unarmed? This is one of the worst combination can be imagined in Fallout
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Care to explain? My explanation was that in wasteland most martial arts are forgotten and totally not practiced by some ordinary brawlers. The way I see it, the best close combat fighter just gets the job done. He doesn't have any principles like "no knives", "I only fight with my fists and legs" or "I will not punch or kick". He just uses the methods which suit the situation and his body type best.  


--- Quote from: avv on August 28, 2010, 07:48:32 pm ---"no knives", "I only fight with my fists and legs" or "I will not punch or kick"

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"I don't want use laser rifle, I'll kill everyone with my mauser!"
"I don't want waste bullets with my minigun, I better melt them with my plasma pistol."
Ok, merge all SG/EW/BG skills, it's not that hard to shoot from sniper rifle or laser rifle. Or atleast ok, if you know about sniper rifle, but you can't understand technology of that super puper high tech energy weapon, then if you can shoot from laser rifle, you should 100% shoot from sniper rifle, because it uses lesser techology? Wtf?


--- Quote from: RavenousRat on August 28, 2010, 07:59:44 pm ---Ok, merge all SG/EW/BG skills
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I'm all for that.

Ok... let's do it following way:

-1st skill -- unarmed+melee
-2nd skill - firearms
-3rd skill - barter

And everyone is happy!!!

Please don't suggest of mrging smth with smth...
Improvements should be in quality, not in quantity.


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