Other > Closed suggestions

Bring in 'TLA Hell"

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--- Quote from: Lexx on January 14, 2010, 03:18:49 pm ---Nobody told you that the cathedral still exists in our timeline?

--- End quote ---

haha thats a sore subject for me i guess, if you could explain the timeline that would be super awesome cause as the plot of FO1 unfolded the master pretty much had a strangle hold and was going to take over the wasteland by turning vault dwellers into mutants. basically he was going to take over and would have succeded if the dweller didnt kill him... sooo i guess is there any way you can tell us in your own words what went down instead? like did the dweller die in the showdown with the master instead of succeding?

also if the masters alive shouldnt the encounter of the remnants of the masters army be changed to the masters army and should also be encounterable around the cathedral.

Actually I really like the kind of way death is handled yet. First, you have the weakness there. Then, you lose all your objects (not everyone wanders around with swarms of other gang members). It's ok as it is I think. So why overhaul a system which is good working to a (imo) crappy one?

Also did you ever wake up in this little hut in the middle of the wastes? There are 2-3 farmers, who found you out in the wasteland and tried to resurrect you, etc. Together with the dialogue its really amazing and believable. So a couple of crazy hubologists that turn dead into living ones for cash in a place like "hell"? Comeon..  ::)


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