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Author Topic: crafing Robes  (Read 4373 times)

Ned Logan

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Re: crafing Robes
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2010, 03:55:00 pm »

You couldnt even tell whos male or female then.
Well that is also the point - robed people like slaves and hermits are weak beings, cautious and hiding from outside dangerous world - pretty much like the newbies.
The male bluesuit skin looks like a kickbox champion - he was made to be the Chosen One... now how ridiculous is the wasteland with hundreds of Chosen "Ones" running around...

So IMHO making the desert robe as the default skin would only add to the atmosphere...
Re: crafing Robes
« Reply #16 on: August 27, 2010, 05:03:25 pm »

I agree, desert robes are much better as a default skin. bluesuits look a bit ridiculous. noobs look like pumped up tough guys and they should look like tramps who spent last month in the desert.

on the other hand players should be able to remove the robes so I think a different default skin is needed. tribal skin seems ok to me, its much more reasonable than vault suit, which should be very rare and desired item


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Re: crafing Robes
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2010, 05:06:34 pm »

In "Wastelandmerc" mod default was black leather jacket. It has all animations needed to play with every weapon, why not to try? Let's change Smurfs Village into BDSM Sex-Shop :>
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Re: crafing Robes
« Reply #18 on: August 27, 2010, 05:14:12 pm »

In "Wastelandmerc" mod default was black leather jacket. It has all animations needed to play with every weapon, why not to try? Let's change Smurfs Village into BDSM Sex-Shop :>

Recolor the black jacket into some wastelandish rags, that would be more original.
Or paint the torso white, that would look like white t-shirt with blue jeans.
Hmm, white T-shirts...


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Re: crafing Robes
« Reply #19 on: August 27, 2010, 05:20:04 pm »

How about black T-shirt and blue jeans then? :>
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Re: crafing Robes
« Reply #20 on: August 27, 2010, 05:23:50 pm »

Then, if someone wants to recolour/draw several thousand images - go on. ;)

Ned Logan

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Re: crafing Robes
« Reply #21 on: August 27, 2010, 05:25:10 pm »

I was thinking about the black leather jacket skin too, but it just looks too badass to be default skin and it doesn't fit the newbie secretive nature much...
The desert robe is ideal.


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Re: crafing Robes
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2010, 05:48:48 pm »

I'd go hermit the living shit out of slavers (normally I trap them(it's the same concept, but different armour)), and jan0s1k would have the ability to do so, him being the designer of the mudzyn plugin, in fact I guess that anyone who put their mind to it would be able to add a new .dat file that replaces the leather jacket, but not the combatative leather (or the other way around actually, "Armoured Robes" FTW).

Therefore the files could be optional if done like that, and it would be a user-side package, not a server side one, I for one can't find the necessary time to learn it, (partly insufficient time and partly laziness, fine, mostly laziness), I mean, it would be nice with more variation, while still retaining the purple robes, them (pulple nurple colour...) being the rare-limited-number-in-the-world items.

And on top of everything I don't wanna has wipe, it would mean my pretty HaPA (HaPA sounds more fluid than HPA...) will disappear, and I'm almost ready with my theoretical HaPA-tank build, just need to implement it, first on FO2, and then on FOnline (in ways, FOnline is way easier that FO2)...
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Re: crafing Robes
« Reply #23 on: August 27, 2010, 05:56:26 pm »

I dont like idea of crafting robe without any purpose, only for new view. Ok, i can accpet possibility of crafting desert robe, if red one will be purposed to enter Churches, like in my other suggestion. But why not add the desert robe at least some special feauture, that could create real difference among robe and other types of amors.

 I example small bonus to outdoorsman, or better poison resistance.. dont make from Fallout Dress up games only ;)


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Re: crafing Robes
« Reply #24 on: August 27, 2010, 06:05:23 pm »

and yet, we only have 7-8 functional armour skins (for each character style) whereas a normal 2d MMO (I use the term loosely) has a couple of dozen...
And despite your notions of FOnline becoming a dressup game I'm all for adding more variety to the game, remember, the more variety the more customisation options, the more of a blast you have when using the application, and besides, they can add functions like that later,

 it's still beta (i guess) stage 2/5, it moves to stage 3 once either the 3d models are implemented, or the proper amount of quests is added, which would add ot immersion...
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Re: crafing Robes
« Reply #25 on: August 27, 2010, 06:10:00 pm »

and yet, we only have 7-8 functional armour skins (for each character style) whereas a normal 2d MMO (I use the term loosely) has a couple of dozen...
And despite your notions of FOnline becoming a dressup game I'm all for adding more variety to the game, remember, the more variety the more customisation options, the more of a blast you have when using the application, and besides, they can add functions like that later,

 it's still beta (i guess) stage 2/5, it moves to stage 3 once either the 3d models are implemented, or the proper amount of quests is added, which would add ot immersion...

 changes for nothing.. why not simply think what is positive of the robe and implement it into the game? Desert robe is always from hard material, so maybe slower det. or even no det..

 I dislike this, because you have to spend a lot of time during implementing it and there is ZERO effect to the gameplay,.. . If you spend this time to making scripts to my suggestion, you will have new possibilites of gameplay. Now you dont have. And we are bored because of no content, not because of limited numbers of armors. Am i wrong?
« Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 06:12:18 pm by DonGizmo »
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