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Proffesion teachers.....

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the only profession teacher that only needs 1 CH to talk to is eldridge in new reno..... the problem there is that hes dead about 80% of the time or the area is camped by pkersmy sugsestion is to make Jacob a 1CH npc.... i dont care if i can trade with him or not, i just want the profession ranks
I think that 20AP rockets to get into BoS to actually GET the ability to make AP rockets is silly because i havent seen any npcs actually selling them yet (mabey eldridge but as i explained he is quite unavalible to talk to) can someone tell me some npcs who can actually have some in stock?

You can join BoS with 1 Charisma, and the profession "teacher" in there can teach you all 3 ranks.

The guy in Old Town sells armors and big gun (and big gun ammo), including AP rockets. A lot of other people sell Big Guns supplies too, check out: http://www.fo2238.fodev.net/wiki/Merchants

And, you could just buy mentats. They are really accessible, in any Merchant that sells Drugs.

And you can buy AP rockets from other players.  I think the reason it's like that is to facilitate trade.  There should honestly be more stuff like that, like professions that require stuff made by other professions, so players will have to trade more.

true enough.... the old town guy needs 3ch btw.... but buy from other players you say? people with big guns tend to shoot you on sight, even now 3 pkers with big guns and metal mkII are camping new reno

oh and 20AP rockets cost around 10000caps right? since base price is about 500+

oh...and whitch merchants with 1CH sell mentats? (new reno excluded since its being camped all the time and the med guys in adytum dont sell anything although the wiki says one of them should)

Well, Gecko has some merchants that sell Drugs. But it might be camped by people to, but not nearly as much as New Reno, in my experience. And just because a Merchant doesn't have Mentats at the moment, doesn't mean he never will have any. The replenish stocks every few hours.

But I will agree that the 20 AP Rocket cost to be able to make 20 APs isn't thought out well.


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