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Author Topic: PK Karma / wasteland reputation  (Read 2593 times)

PK Karma / wasteland reputation
« on: August 24, 2010, 05:07:26 pm »

(escuse my poor english)

escuse me if this suggestion was already done but i didnt find it.

I see "wasteland reputation" isn't used yet.

the idea is simple;

when you kill a player, you loose (100+target reputation)/5

so when you kill neutral people with 0 reput, you loose 20 in wasteland reputation
if you kill someone with -300 in wasteland reputation, you gain 40 point in wasteland reputation
if you kill someone with +300 in wasteland reputation, you loose 80 point in wasteland reputation

then people under -300 will be automaticaly tagged red.
people above +300 automaticaly tagged green.

(or something else visual)

so we could easily identify PK and if a Pk want to change his reputation, it can hunt ohter Pk to raise up his wasteland reputation and come back to neutral (-300>+300)
This reputation dont change automatically like NPC factions réputation.

we can also add:

people above +1000 gain NPC reputation faster
people under -1000 don t gain NPC reputation automaticaly ( but they still can by trading with NPC)
people under -3000 loose NPC reputation automaticaly ( but they can rise it by trading with NPC)

it has no other incidence than being clearly identify by other players. and so people will not say "see this anti-PK pked me !!" or "I m not a Pk why did you shoot?"
and maybe bluesuits will not autorun when they see someone with tier3 stuff who isn't PK

EDIT: and maybe PKing will become more a RP choice than a looting method

« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 05:09:11 pm by Leham Kash »


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Re: PK Karma / wasteland reputation
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2010, 05:14:30 pm »

Although I like it this would force everyone to use namecolorizing for simply friends and simply enemies unlike the click halo for friend or click horns for someone you don't like.  A pk could be your friend but how would you color him green without namecolorizing.txt this way?
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Re: PK Karma / wasteland reputation
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2010, 05:19:43 pm »

there is already bugs between NC and tagged people

I think NC shall be priority (i dont now how to say that)

mean if you tag someone in your NC it shall be the NC color not the classic tag (good/evil).

by the way, this is the reason i said :
(or something else visual)

it can be anything around the caracter or something under his name like underline red or green but has to be visible   
« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 06:43:36 pm by Leham Kash »


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Re: PK Karma / wasteland reputation
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2010, 05:41:29 pm »

   ( ask for translation : comment on dit "souligner" SVP ??)



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Re: PK Karma / wasteland reputation
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2010, 07:32:09 am »

I like the idea. My suggestion is to add small icon before the name of char. Or at least tag(e.g. [N] for neutral players), with possibility to turn this option off and on, regardless whether is names visualisation turned on.
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Re: PK Karma / wasteland reputation
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2010, 07:59:27 am »

hmm, anyone else see the weakness here?
Well, the most useless thng about this is that it is concerned around players. All you need is a bad PK and his friends (also bad PKs) for this exploit. The PK who's going undercover shoots his bad PK friends (in bluesuits naturally) with his 1700th LSW repeatedly raising his rep and after he's done he goes on a killing spree in the wastes doing his utmost to grief people, and there will be an even larger occurrence of whine threads by noobs, them screaming their ases off because a certain "goodguy" killed them...
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Re: PK Karma / wasteland reputation
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2010, 02:55:51 pm »

hmm, anyone else see the weakness here?
Well, the most useless thng about this is that it is concerned around players. All you need is a bad PK and his friends (also bad PKs) for this exploit. The PK who's going undercover shoots his bad PK friends (in bluesuits naturally) with his 1700th LSW repeatedly raising his rep and after he's done he goes on a killing spree in the wastes doing his utmost to grief people, and there will be an even larger occurrence of whine threads by noobs, them screaming their ases off because a certain "goodguy" killed them...
1) You'll give good karma only if you're neutral or good already and killing only evil.
2) You'll give evil karma only if you're neutral or evil already and killing neutral and good.
3) You'll instantly become neutral (0), if you're good and killed one good or neutral.
4) Killing the one person will put CD on him 24 real life hours for you, so if you killed him 2nd time in the same day, he won't affect your karma positivily, so you can kill him 24 hours without gaining karma, but you will lose it, if he is neutral or good every time you killing him, so you may get evil karma on one person as much as you want, but can't get good karma.
5) Evil killing evil won't affect karma anyhow.
6) Evil can become neutral only throught time and quests.
7) It's useless, because Anti-PKs will have red names very often, if PKs are neutral or good.
8) It's again useless until first-attack implemented or something, that allows you to self-defence and not gain bad karma if you killed him in self-defence.
9) It's again useless if you know that he is really PK, but he is neutral or good and going to kill you, so it forces you to shoot 2nd if #8 implemented or not shoot at all, or shoot and suffer bad karma after.
10) Most evils will be not evil really, they simply shot 1st, and not at always innocent people.

Ned Logan

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Re: PK Karma / wasteland reputation
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2010, 03:00:57 pm »

7) It's useless, because Anti-PKs will have red names very often, if PKs are neutral or good.
 It's again useless until first-attack implemented or something, that allows you to self-defence and not gain bad karma if you killed him in self-defence.
9) It's again useless if you know that he is really PK, but he is neutral or good and going to kill you, so it forces you to shoot 2nd if #8 implemented or not shoot at all, or shoot and suffer bad karma after.
10) Most evils will be not evil really, they simply shot 1st, and not at always innocent people.

Also it doesn't make sense. You are shot in middle of desert alone by a PK. You are dead, nobody else was there. Why should some global conscience see all that and implant in every wastelanders memory?
It is more fun with gangs building their own name colorizing, with various policies on adding names to it, some people trusting them if they published it, some not... World is relative, deal with it, not create easy workarounds in the system of the world itself...


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Re: PK Karma / wasteland reputation
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2010, 08:24:14 pm »

The first idea is pretty abusable, so i suggest to store in general 'wastes karma' variable the number of killed 'to death' players in one-by-one-plus-maybe-some-npcs encounters (this one will always be negative). So once per real day we get the average value of this variable for all players, and everybody, who has this value average-25% or less for example are counted and tagged as PKs, other who have average+25% value are tagged as Good playas, all others - counted as neutral and all who have a BIG  differnce with this average variable(eg -1 against average of -400) value are counted as 'noobs' or 'rookies' or just 'neutral'.
My English sux. I bet your Russian sux better.©


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Re: PK Karma / wasteland reputation
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2010, 07:20:09 am »


Also it doesn't make sense. You are shot in middle of desert alone by a PK. You are dead, nobody else was there. Why should some global conscience see all that and implant in every wastelanders memory?
It is more fun with gangs building their own name colorizing, with various policies on adding names to it, some people trusting them if they published it, some not... World is relative, deal with it, not create easy workarounds in the system of the world itself...

I already mentioned it in another similar thread, and against similar argument... my contra-argument is, that you should know, that you are never alone, there could be some lone wanderer seeing the gunfight, or some caravan, who found you dying, etc...  ;)
Enzo Wolf
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Re: PK Karma / wasteland reputation
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2010, 09:03:25 am »

There is always an ability to counter the namecolorizing.txt problem - make it like it was in Fallout Tactics - Enemies get a red circle under their characters. So, Good karma - green circle, Neutral karma - white circle, Bad karma - red circle. DONE!

Good idea anyways.
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