Other > Closed suggestions
To allow players which are using same radio channel to meet each other on World
sexy idea, i support this 100%
I love this one! :)
Dude this is awessome idea ;D Devs pliz make this shit reality ;D ;D ;D
Cool idea so i can track people down and kill them :)
Edit: To expand on my somewhat small minded responce, i can see somehting like this being extremely useful. For example famring, i have small frame and low st build so while killing is somehthing im adept at i cant carry shit. using this feature on a freindly channel i could broadcast my position and my freinds high outdoors pathfiner packrat charcter could come collect the loot :)
Really Really good idea, ty for sharing :).
Arayan...sunsine u will not :D READ how it should be done and be quiet :D
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