I would like to suggest an overhaul to how disassembly works in the game. I actually like disassemby very much because killing (PCs or NPCs) for craft materials appeals to me a thousand times more than mining (yuck).
So, to the topic.
A skilled mechanist would be able to disassemble a new (not been in usage) item without (almost) any losses.
- lets cap resources gained to 95% of each type used to make the item, rounded down, but at least one of each. (Reallistically, wood, alloys and fiber should be not obtainable, but I am afraid this would ruin the gameplay value of the feature, so f*ck realism)
- the "ideal" disassembly would require a brand new item and let say 300% skill. On the other hand, a character should do OK with 100% skill and pretty well 200% skill. I suggest the formula for science to apply for both chance to dismantle and resources gained: let's say 40+skill/3 % base chance to dismantle and 10 + skill/3 % resources gained, both capped at 95%
- break count (and maybe deterioration) should be taken into consideration. Every break count should decrease chance to dismantle by 5% and resurces gained by 10%
- with successful dismantle you ALWAYS should get at least something. Mausers and BB guns should give at least the damn junk really.
- (probably) adding additional requirements or modifiers, be it profession, repair skill, weapon skills etc might also prove right.
The exact formulas to be decied and tested, but I would like to discuss the idea first.