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Concerning the recent bans
Just want to mention that some Linux-users for banned. Mb because of WINE or smthng.
TLA is shaking! Yeah damm
It's funny like everyone says:cheaters destroyed our gameplay but when did you noticed they were ''cheating''? When they got banned. Before baning you didn't know that there are some ''cheaters'' in game but now you are all yeling like little kids that these as*holes were ruining your game. Yes for noobs is game better because most of '' cheaters'' were PKs. So yes game is better for now but now because cheaters was banned but because PKs was banned...
Everyone who had something to do with TC knew they were things like auto aim but we weren't crying on forum like: This guy has auto aim BAN him! Because if everyone with cheat get banned, there are any people to TC fights...
And no I'm not cheater, I haven't got banned any of my chars so I'm some kind of neutral person here...
--- Quote ---Everyone who had something to do with TC knew they were things like auto aim but we weren't crying on forum like: This guy has auto aim BAN him! Because if everyone with cheat get banned, there are any people to TC fights...
--- End quote ---
No, they were doing it on IRC in PMs :P
I am going to do some science here, stand back.
If you've been banned on one character, it's reasonable to assume they just looked up your IP and banned all characters on that same IP.
I think baning have happend mostly to fast-reloggers. On my opinion the anti-anti-alt feature is the only concern here and that feature should be definitely serverside. I doubt that it is possible to detect someone using aimbot or quckslots. As I have stated in my later suggestion aimbot is not cheat but missing feature. Devs would save hell of a time by just including that "cheating" third party tools in distribution especially when they are planning to develop them anyway. I also commit heresy by saying that key bindable quickslots are included in every MMO as basic feature.
That extremely evil cheating tools (always run for example) also just makes game more comfortable to play. They dont change stats of your character, they dont chage stats of anything important ingame. They just eliminates some useless bothering clicking ordeals to get stimpack or to make quick aimed shot. I would be glad if someone would explain me how those tools ruin game.
Yes I used those "cheats" in PvP TC and PvE and I never fast relogged.
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