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Author Topic: Disable turn based combat  (Read 10020 times)

Re: Disable turn based combat
« Reply #45 on: January 14, 2010, 08:47:44 pm »

I don't use TB, so perhabs I wouldn't care about it if only I wasn't thrown into someones TB random encounter from time to time, during my travels on the worldmap, and if it didn't take a couple of minutes to get out of it. Not even to mention that if you are enough unfortunate to appear in the middle of a gang, then it's a death trap. When such a situation happens in RT, you have at least a chance to run away and pray that they don't spot you soon enough to react.

Anyway, trying to combine two totally different combat systems in one game requires compromises.. and it certainly isn't going to make the game better. I think the devs should rather choose one system and concentrate on it. That's just my opinion.

And lastly, this thread should be a poll  ;).
I don't use RT, so perhabs I wouldn't care about it if only I wasn't thrown into someones RT random encounter from time to time, during my travels on the worldmap, and if it didn't force me to play in "2d tibia-like shooter" when i play in FalloutOnline. Not even to mention that if you are enough unfortunate to appear in the middle of a gang, then it's a death trap. When such a situation happens in TB, you have at least a chance to run away or kill you enemy if you have good tactic or/and stuff.

Anyway, trying to combine two totally different combat systems in one game requires compromises.. and it may be good for game or not.But can we try? It's Fallout based game goddamed, in my opinion TB should be at least as a option.

Point of view depends from point of beeing.
Now i think that allready existing system (2 combat mode) is good for FO, wasteland isin,t friendly, you can be throwned into hostile environment like TB/RT in any time.

p.s. Elmehdi i hope that you wont be angry beacouse i "used" you post but i wanted to show that both RT/TB have a lot of thier followers and show how "this other" group feels when somebody wanna take away thier adored way of gaming.

peace (outgame only :P ingame... "war, war never change uss..." ;) )

p.s.2 sry for bad english (i'm tired after work).
« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 08:52:44 pm by NdwZ »


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Re: Disable turn based combat
« Reply #46 on: January 14, 2010, 09:46:15 pm »

Did anyone mention "ping"?  Not lag, ping, the response time. If I have a 350ms ping and I fight against a player that has 45ms ping I think i will be already dead when I enter the encounter. Theres no way you can get rid of it.
Re: Disable turn based combat
« Reply #47 on: January 15, 2010, 02:03:02 am »

I don't use RT, so perhabs I wouldn't care about it if only I wasn't thrown into someones RT random encounter from time to time, during my travels on the worldmap, and if it didn't force me to play in "2d tibia-like shooter" when i play in FalloutOnline. Not even to mention that if you are enough unfortunate to appear in the middle of a gang, then it's a death trap. When such a situation happens in TB, you have at least a chance to run away or kill you enemy if you have good tactic or/and stuff.

The unwanted loss of time is the greatest pain here and that was what I meant. It doesn't happen too often though, so it's not like I care a lot about it.

And believe me or not but your chances of succesful escape from a gang encounter is much greater in RT.

Anyway, trying to combine two totally different combat systems in one game requires compromises.. and it may be good for game or not.

I'm not saying that spreading an effort to create a "2 in 1" game ABSOLUTLY can't result in a good product, but it usually doesn't. I'm very optimistic about this one though.

Re: Disable turn based combat
« Reply #48 on: January 19, 2010, 06:21:57 am »

Did anyone mention "ping"?  Not lag, ping, the response time. If I have a 350ms ping and I fight against a player that has 45ms ping I think i will be already dead when I enter the encounter. Theres no way you can get rid of it.

Large ping = lag (simplifying). The longer response time (ping), the less chances you have in real time based combat.

And believe me or not but your chances of succesful escape from a gang encounter is much greater in RT.


Realtime: 1 shot, escape grid block kicks in, all ambushers will just keep shooting to you (try running, have a fun!).
Turnbased: you walk away, get a bullet or 2, but opponents need to choose between running after you or shooting. Once you reach exit grid, you are safe.
Decent agility and/or bonus move can turn you into a real runner (10 ap + 2x bonus move + 2x action boy = 16 hexes!)

RL helps only if you pop in the middle of someones fight - there is a chance they won't notice you. Otherwise, you are toasted.

An idea for devs, maybe:
You cannot engage a character(s) with different combat mode than yours . They would be invisible on the world map for the encounter checks.
Only exception would be a person/team with mixed mode, discovering someone in the wasteland - they would have an option to join the battle in the mode it is already being played, or to skip. No more realtimers trapped in turn based combat, nor turn-players executed before the map loads ;)

« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 06:25:15 am by plenty »
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