I don't use TB, so perhabs I wouldn't care about it if only I wasn't thrown into someones TB random encounter from time to time, during my travels on the worldmap, and if it didn't take a couple of minutes to get out of it. Not even to mention that if you are enough unfortunate to appear in the middle of a gang, then it's a death trap. When such a situation happens in RT, you have at least a chance to run away and pray that they don't spot you soon enough to react.
Anyway, trying to combine two totally different combat systems in one game requires compromises.. and it certainly isn't going to make the game better. I think the devs should rather choose one system and concentrate on it. That's just my opinion.
And lastly, this thread should be a poll
I don't use RT, so perhabs I wouldn't care about it if only I wasn't thrown into someones RT random encounter from time to time, during my travels on the worldmap, and if it didn't force me to play in "2d tibia-like shooter" when i play in FalloutOnline. Not even to mention that if you are enough unfortunate to appear in the middle of a gang, then it's a death trap. When such a situation happens in TB, you have at least a chance to run away or kill you enemy if you have good tactic or/and stuff.
Anyway, trying to combine two totally different combat systems in one game requires compromises.. and it may be good for game or not.But can we try? It's Fallout based game goddamed, in my opinion TB should be at least as a option.
Point of view depends from point of beeing.
Now i think that allready existing system (2 combat mode) is good for FO, wasteland isin,t friendly, you can be throwned into hostile environment like TB/RT in any time.
p.s. Elmehdi i hope that you wont be angry beacouse i "used" you post but i wanted to show that both RT/TB have a lot of thier followers and show how "this other" group feels when somebody wanna take away thier adored way of gaming.
peace (outgame only

ingame... "war, war never change uss..."

p.s.2 sry for bad english (i'm tired after work).