Other > Closed suggestions

About "Natural necessities"(#1)

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Hygiene... honestly, I don't see the point. I mean, you're in the wasteland; one of the main themes is that there's very little drinking water; no one's going to waste it washing themselves constantly. A bath is like a celebration :P Even if it's implemented, I don't remember feeling dumber last time we had the water cut in my building, so I don't understand the penalty to intelligence, though a penalty to poison resistance would make a lot more sense to me.

The whole idea behind make it RP-based is what I like, but it shouldn't be overdone, imo.

Bathing in sand is enough... water is too precious on wastes. Btw. its in game already - you can take bath in Klamath.

Btw. Sims are in this direction ----------------------------------------->

If you wish to play game very similar on Fallout your choice TLA, I can tell with confidence that Fonline 2238 = SIMS (Wasteland Sims)

Didn't know that your playercharacter has to go to toilet or is mourning about missing relationships.

Pressure upon a bladder can sometimes decide an issue of the combat not in your advantage that at times equalises chances of the player with avenger and the player with 10 mm a pistol)))


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