Other > Junktown

60% of all accounts have been banned .

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Developing game, prepearing updates, looking for players suggestions... ow... FUCK THAT...
Much easier just to ban all.

brad smalls:
i know how you cant be banned......

you dont cheat in the first place


--- Quote from: Parowooz on August 20, 2010, 11:15:15 am ---Who would use FOCD to show timeouts if we have this feature in the game already?

--- End quote ---
Well, for some reason I think devs were looking for usage of FO CD in a history too, maybe even a few months ago. And the timeout feature ingame isn't in game for *that* long, is it. That's why I asked.


--- Quote from: brad smalls on August 20, 2010, 11:23:14 am ---you dont cheat in the first place

--- End quote ---

We are talking about shortcuts here. Is it only me or the whole "righteous" part of 2238 community has gone mad? I have never used anything else than custom interface in combat (mostly because I almost don't play since the 3rd season) but it seems possible only somwhere like here to ban people because they use shortcuts.

S. H. O. R. T. C. U. T. S.

Just to be sure we are talking about the same thing. Well I'm eager to see how things will turn out when I get back from job.

83720 days.... 83720 DAYS!!!! OMG!!!! my dear tent :'( :'( :'(


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