Other > Junktown

60% of all accounts have been banned .

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dont worry cVet's pack is coming out we have got more talented people than 2238 crew, new servers better than this one will come out, just w8 a few months the dev team with their digging sims and gms taken form the same hex in ncr next to the barrel will stay alone with a few crafters and miners :]


--- Quote from: eBay on August 20, 2010, 10:30:08 am ---dont worry cVet's pack is coming out we have got more talented people than 2238 crew, new servers better than this one will come out, just w8 a few months the dev team with their digging sims and gms taken form the same hex in ncr next to the barrel will stay alone with a few crafters and miners :]

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I hope there will be more talented people in actual Dev team.

Lets play FOnline: 2238 with nowhere near having player count like in the title. In other words - Lets play FOnline: 2238 with about 38 players. :)


--- Quote from: Haraldx on August 20, 2010, 10:35:50 am ---Lets play FOnline: 2238 with nowhere near having player count like in the title. In other words - Lets play FOnline: 2238 with about 38 players. :)

--- End quote ---

No offense but I see a clear 160+ players online

Is it really hard to make dual/triple/quadruple log?


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