Other > Suggestions

Locks can be used to lock doors not only containers

(1/4) > >>

pretty much self explaining. 1 problem tho - somebody with 240% lockpick makes a lock, goes to NCR and locks all doors of Rawhide saloon, making newbies can't do quests.

Then guard shout something bad about that locker, shoot him and then use his 500% lockipick skill on that door and opens it.

Or make some doors in some towns ''buyable'', you have to talk to f.e. to the towns main guy (TC NPC) and tell him that you wanna buy that and that door, he gives you a paper, and when you put the lock on the door while the paper is in your inventory, guards don't say anything!

I'm just gonna buy the doors that lead to workbench. Wtf?

Or just make it so that doors in cities aren't lockable by players, and only in faction bases. With that, I see no down-side.


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