Other > Suggestions

SMG and the AP Needler Cartridge


Tommy Lau:
bring in the ap needler cartridge!!

and, if 10mm has an smg,
why not give a 14mm smg, .223 smg, or needler smg

Because Fallout doesn't have it?

AP needlers too imbalanced if they will use the same stats as in original fallout, and I don't understand why they called AP, if they simply have more damage multiplier.


--- Quote from: Tommy Lau on August 18, 2010, 10:16:57 am ---why not give a 14mm smg, .223 smg, or needler smg

--- End quote ---
Because they are too strong  :/
And never showed in Fallout 2 or earlier game.

Tommy Lau:
Faulty suggestion :(


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