Other > Suggestions

Player tracked suggestion list

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Faction's "Outposts"  [December 28, 2009 Cryofluid] Unknown

Some older suggestion. I think that was one of the best suggestions about gangs and TC because its not only a good idea but also it provides a chance to move the big gang battles a bit away from the towns itself.

Guys I was about to get busy again with this but its here for a while tho and its kinda unnoticed. I dunno if I should continue because I certainly won't be able to keep the track about all the suggestion all by myself. Also putting them all at one place is not the end. If this should be meaningful then somebody has to rate these suggestions and check if they are/are not possible.

So my question is, should I continue (with your help) or am I all by myself in this?

I think this is a good idea, so keep maintaining. It's a good help to get an overview without having to browse all pages.

I just think about 'player tracked bug

Put it on the wiki and let everyone edit it.


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