Other > Suggestions

Running shots for smallguns (small s.g. and small energy guns)

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I am well aware we need 3D models etc, so don't go : " SHUT UP AND WAIT FOR 3D!", because its food for thought, for when 3D DOES come out.

Ok, simple suggestion, yet possibly complex scripting.

Why not let people who use 1 handed weapons be able to run and shoot at the same time, this is not just for smallguns, its for energy also, and since b.g. doesnt have any 1 hander weapons, oh well.  This might help players avoid the cursor of death from other players if they are able to causes damage as well as run around dodging it at the same time, this will also give said smallguns a breath of fresh air as the only 1 handed guns I tend to see used is either the all-powerful 10mm SMG, or the godlike P90.

PLUS, if anyone ever uses aim shots WITHOUT the almighty autoaim crap this will give them time to aim and click as well as avoid possible insta deaths, or the annoying "Your aim is blocked".

All other weapons would just have to deal with the usual *Stand and shoot then run* way of play.

So I'm guessing this suggestion was a complete waste of time and brain matter to be thought up and will now die a slow and painful death.

It wouldnt work in Turn Based...But would be cool in RT if it was a Perk (Like from F3 :P) "Running Shot" or something.


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on August 15, 2010, 07:48:43 am ---So I'm guessing this suggestion was a complete waste of time and brain matter to be thought up and will now die a slow and painful death.

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nope, if you now create for this 1k+ of files animation (just in bmp file) maybe it could be added before changes onto 3d ;)
so good fun ;)


--- Quote from: jan0s1k on August 15, 2010, 08:33:19 am ---nope, if you now create for this 1k+ of files animation (just in bmp file) maybe it could be added before changes onto 3d ;)
so good fun ;)

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Har har I think I'll wait for 3D thank you...


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