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Video recording

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--- Quote from: LeMark on August 15, 2010, 08:20:19 pm ---Can you quote me where i said that?

PS: Custom interface / shorcut / macro are allowed in all MMO except FOnline ... Strange no?

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custom interface is allowed in FO, shortuc idk, macro if it help you just for to create metal parts etc is allowed too but only if you are on the computer I think (if you set it on the night steal macro bot or making 10k metal parts its denied)

Steve Zissou:
FoCD (http://fonline.isgreat.org/) is basically legal and not bannable on the 2238 server. The only way you will get banned is if you use Yanus, to evade fast-relog, which will eventually lead to your temporary character banning (really, not permanent? no wonder all the red dots use it) Ghosthack claims GMs will ban for it now, but he is obviously bullshitting. Izual knows people that use FoCD. Every GM knows people that use it. Are they all banned? No. The only plausible way I see is if you take a video or screenshot of your character with the plugins enabled.

Jan0s1k is smart to disable the plugins for his video, unlike CND, but does this mean he doesn't deserve to be banned?

Maybe once the devs actually fix something can they even consider stopping FoCD, until then, no one gives a fuck, and neither should you.


--- Quote from: Steve Zissou on August 16, 2010, 09:51:24 pm ---FoCD (http://fonline.isgreat.org/) is basically legal and not bannable on the 2238 server. The only way you will get banned is if you use Yanus, to evade fast-relog, which will eventually lead to your temporary character banning (really, not permanent? no wonder all the red dots use it) Ghosthack claims GMs will ban for it now, but he is obviously bullshitting. Izual knows people that use FoCD. Every GM knows people that use it. Are they all banned? No. The only plausible way I see is if you take a video or screenshot of your character with the plugins enabled.

Jan0s1k is smart to disable the plugins for his video, unlike CND, but does this mean he doesn't deserve to be banned?

Maybe once the devs actually fix something can they even consider stopping FoCD, until then, no one gives a fuck, and neither should you.

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FOCD is allowed? lol we discous about it
and btw this

--- Quote from: Ghosthack ---I see a lot of people trying really hard to rationalize their behavior in this thread. If you use FOCD or any other macro/packet editor or any other third party program which directly influences the game by editing the memory of the process, hooking any of the APIs and so on, it is a cheat. Basically, if you're manipulating the game to do things it weren't supposed to do, to gain an advantage over other players, you're cheating. It's as simple as that.

You could argue that the "mod" that someone made a long time ago to make walls invisible and therefore make it easier to hunt items in cave was totally legit or a cheat, now, this is a borderline because this mod replaced the wall graphics with new transparent tiles and thereby making the walls invisible. In this case it's a fine line, when using the client built-in capabilities to make something that arguable could be considered a cheat by most people (although a much minor, as it's a PvE/solo cheat). This is not the case with FOCD and the like.

The argument that "devs are lazy, and should implement feature xyz or else I must cheat until then!" doesn't play well in my ears either, as it could be used to argue for anything. "Devs broke the combat, now we have to cheat".

Now, you may of course continue to use FOCD or any other tool, because you "need it", but don't blame the GMs and don't come whining here on the forums/IRC when you get banned for it

Anything unclear?
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EVERY modyfication of code/memory of FOnline are dissalowed and sometimes illegal so what a fuck you talking about...

Every GM knows from the atleast "famous" persons who visit IRC often who use the FOCD. And? I won't ban anyone for this, as this would be a shitload of work as so many people are using it. The only conclusion I draw out of this, that I am disappointed of the community and will think twice when one of the people using hacks is sending a requesthelp. Nothing more.
I have better things to do in my sparse time then banning thousands of alts just because I have seen a video of one guy using these things etc.


--- Quote from: jan0s1k on August 14, 2010, 06:23:06 pm ---it is so hard to dont use this plugins?
video what created my friend
It's not hard to dont use button stimpacks

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yey is me there!  ;D

and I'm too slow aiming in this video haha

Btw, what program did your friend uses?


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