You did not get what Lordus meant not even a little bit. He is not trying to justify anything. "Cheaters" will "cheat" with excuses or without them. Its nothing new that these addons are used amongs PvPers in great numbers. And if you threaten them with ban for shortcuts and such, then what do you think is more likely: they will stop using addons OR they will stop recording videos that could get them banned?
Its all about the player and his personal borders. One does not have problems with godmode hacks but another would never use anything additional to the game, not even interface. But let me ask you something. Do you think that FOnline has so many cheaters just because of bad luck? That community got somehow sorted out to level that when you see someone in northern cities then there is 50% chance he is using fast aim? Why do you think "cheaters" are that common in FOnline?
Cheating is same as anything else that is prohibited. Only your borders will tell you how far can you go. And from the numbers of players that are "cheating" in PvP i would guess that there is a pretty big group of players that don't consider shortcuts as cheating. I'm one of them. And why not? Every other game developer would be glad if he knew that there are people who spend their time to make something useful for the game they like. But what the hell are we arguing here about? Few shortcuts and graphic gadget to display players HP? Well and thats the reason why so many people "cheat". Because they don't consider something as basic as shortcuts cheating. And personally if you ask me its not cheating, but you say they have advantage over players that don't have these shortcuts. Yeah but pretty same applies for interfaces too or even for damn screen resolution! Default UI blocks 1/5 of screen and players with combat UI have advantage over those who don't. Same situation only here its considered not cheating, because its something so trivial as interface. But where exactly is that border between combat interface not being cheating but using shortcuts already is?
Anyway I've slipped into the flamewars so back to topic: If you want to ban for shortcuts and other addons then it will lead only to less and less community stuff being posted here such as those videos screens etc. And since its something so so so so so SO basic as shortcuts then I think you devs should think about your policy about this. Imho if you would officially support selected programs that players use for shortcuts then it could not do any harm. Simply if you want to use them, use them. If not then wait for next update and maybe it will bring shortcuts into the game and such programs will become obsolete. Having this witch hunt here and banning only those whom you can prove they use such programs (e.g. video directors...) while tons of other will use it unnoticed leads us nowhere.