Other > Closed suggestions

Doctor profession curing drug addicted players

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--- Quote from: Badger on February 07, 2010, 11:05:45 pm ---This. I'd like to see addiction worked to be more appealing, though.

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I would make it more severe. With many phases, each next worse than before the longer the abstinence. Until you reach the bottom, and then it slowly gets better until you're fine and free.


--- Quote from: vedaras on February 07, 2010, 11:30:06 pm ---i see it as well with a huge cooldown, for example if you have 200% doctor then its like 72 hours. then it could be possible otherwise no :>
And if we could make this, then other professions should have something like this skill :>

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if so there would be better if patient would have cooldown for such treatment... ;)

i also agree about doctor curing addiction is nice idea or make him just able to make antidotes for it. Add to it Skejwen simple and effective idea on make "patient" coldown and bang doctor profession will be more usefull (ofc when its about "cure addiction antidote" makin of such coldown to player who use will be even more important so he will not use it all time)  can be maked couple quests (or chain quests) for good doctor to  learn such reciptes or ability :P

Well i'm for it... so far when you get addicted you either wait 20 days to get cured (Fonline on for a full 24 hours or so  ;) ) or u beg a GM to cure you... and doctor profession has crappy Xps for their craft (i mean 1 stimpak=180 xps come on with all the things u need to make it) they have to join VC or go to SAD to make most of their stuff anyway so make em go there to craft Anti-Addiction's pills or some bootle like the jet antidote. As for the patient cooldown i think its a good idea too... if you are getting some drugs out of your system you need to suffer a bit  ;D cripple their cooldown, all of em Mwahahah!!!

I can see it happening. But rather than instant cure I would like to see shortening the time of addiction.
So it's not like you use Jet, then never take another dose and after half an hour you get magicly healed.


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