Other > Suggestions

New ways of leveling

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Zak Blayde:
I thought leveling was a problem, because it's really boring. And I thought we should avoid it by beginning lvl21. But I was wrong.

I figured out the leveling wasn't the problem. The problem is that currently, the leveling means using non massively multiplayers gameplay mechanics, like PvE or quests.

There is no point to remove PvE or quests become some players like it, but we should find new ways of leveling, more in accord with a MMOG.

Some examples of leveling and experience system in other games :

--- Quote ---EVE Online: Character advancement is accomplished through the activation of skill training kits. Once a training kit is utilized, a certain period of time must elapse before training is complete and the skill is functional. The activation time required is measured in real time and training continues regardless of whether or not a player is connected to the game. The training time needed for skills may range from less than an hour to several days, depending on the type and complexity of the skill.
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--- Quote ---Ultima Online: You gain XP by using your skills. You don't have to kill a creature to gain XP, just hitting it is enough. The good point with it is that it can be easily applied to PvP (but must be balanced, hitting a lower level shouldn't make you gain XP) and make the XP sharing easier.
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--- Quote ---A NWN2 server I was on: Role Play communication give you experience ! If you use the RP channel, you gain XP. It's a really cool system for non combative characters. But it's kinda hard to avoid system abuses. The communication have to make you win just a little XP, making combat more interesting for those who would abuse RP XP system.
--- End quote ---

An article about the 3 main leveling systems : http://word-of-shadow.blogspot.com/2008/05/best-rpg-leveling-system.html


I don't think just changing the leveling system would be enough. We could keep it just as it is because we want FOnline:2238 to stay a little faithful to Fallout2.

But we need to think about new ways to level, more in accord with Massively Multiplayers gameplay mechanics.

Some ideas ?

Winston Wolf:

The devs are going to implent other ways to level for sure, don't worry.

Ned Logan:
At least it would be nice if it was viable to lvl multiplayer PvE, not like currently - who kills gets the exp.

This is FOnline not ultima online (or i hope so..)
Default leveling in FOnline is good.

Actual PvE is fine. There are other things which are more important atm.


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