Other > Off-topic discussions

Nuka Cola

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Alvarez, it dont use any LED lamp, its pure chemistry ;]

lovely poisonous chemistry, if anything taught me to not drink glow-in-the-dark items is my last year of gymnasiet (the swedish equivalent of high-school), I was gone for 3 months, in bed, stupid idea anyways, but the rich guy in the class eded up paying up for the bet he made with me, (from 500 SEK (the bet) to 18 000 SEK in damages) but still, shouldn't have done it...


--- Quote from: gordulan on August 11, 2010, 04:55:50 pm ---lovely poisonous chemistry, if anything taught me to not drink glow-in-the-dark items is my last year of gymnasiet (the swedish equivalent of high-school), I was gone for 3 months, in bed, stupid idea anyways, but the rich guy in the class eded up paying up for the bet he made with me, (from 500 SEK (the bed) to 18 000 SEK in damages) but still, shouldn't have done it...

--- End quote ---

Pretty bad, man.
Also, there's a possibility with UV black light... White always glow, then.


One l too much, but anyway funny picture :D


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