Other > Suggestions


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A while back I played a small German MMORPG that was strictly for Role playing (you got banned if you didn't RP, doesn't mean there were no PKers :P). One unique feature that they had, and I don't believe I have seen it in other MMOs, is that each player's name is not known to other players, unless that player introduced himself. So any players you didn't know had the name Player[Random String]. For example, a chat log would look something like this:

Player128213: Hi
Player212322: What's up?
Player128213: Not much.

Now here, I am an observer, hence I don't know their names, but they actually might be in the same clan and introduced, so from Player128213 perspective, whose name is Bob, it would look something like this:

Bob: Hi
Tom: What's up?
Bob: Not much.

Over time, or upon leaving an area (I don't remember which, maybe both), the random string is generated again. So if Bob was Player128213, two hours later for example, he now becomes Player232993.
Now to go from Player[Random String] to your actual name, you type /i, and everyone in the area knows who you are, forever.
Now that I introduced the mechanics of the idea, I am going to argue why this would be a good idea to implement (maybe low priority), other than for a RP aesthetic value (which is important in my opinion) and not necessarily with the same mechanics.

- It is a lot more exciting to wonder through a town where the people are total strangers, instead of magically know who everyone is.
- While this idea might sound as the Holy Grail for the griefers, I disagree, right now a griefer can easily create a new alt and put all his problems behind him. With this feature, I imagine, that the griefer will not have to create as many alts (less stress on the server I suppose), because his/her identity is hidden.
- You form better relationships, because interactions with players because more personal and special (not everyone knows your name, probably only people you trust).

I guess the main problem would be if it is possible to implement, and if it is, with what difficulty.

Yea, I really liked it in Arcanum, there was "Human Noble", "Dward Smith", until he say something, so it can be used too, like simple "Wastelander". It'll also solve all problems with name colorizing, because you won't see any names at all ^_^ But... just imagine yourself, players who use outgame chat like mumble/steam/skype will have great advantage, and game will become totally FFA Deathmatch.


--- Quote from: RavenousRat on August 09, 2010, 07:29:52 pm ---players who use outgame chat like mumble/steam/skype will have great advantage, and game will become totally FFA Deathmatch.

--- End quote ---

Isn't like this already? All the PvP gangs who participate in TC are using such programs. I don't know about FFA Deathmatch, but I doubt because your name isn't shown,it will increase or decrease the amount of PKing going on, it will probably stay the same.

I really like that and had similar ideas in mind.
Although I can imagine it's very difficult to integrate. :(

JustGreat, i thinked about it too, seem a great idea


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