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Bad words on other player - insulting

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he deserve this beacuse many players is telling that he is doing that sort of things all time.

He's nothing but a griefer, preying on newbies, idk what to say.   That shits allowed...........


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on August 07, 2010, 02:25:55 am ---He's nothing but a griefer, preying on newbies, idk what to say.   That shits allowed...........

--- End quote ---
read this:

The rules here are subject to change, going with the possible exploits, bug and features. They will be changed whenever deemed necessary and this thread will be updated.

Here is a list of some actions that we consider unfair and illegal in the game. If you're spotting someone violating the rules, feel free to message a GM by typing: "+requesthelp <message>". However they won't do anything unless they witness an actual rule violation.

- Exploiting a bug or abusing of a feature (this includes security failures in guarded towns).
- Using alts (that means dual log - playing with more than one character at time, even with two computers).
- Avoiding the anti-alt timeout system.
- Using bots, macros, auto-clickers.
- Racism or other hostile speech.
- Impersonating staff member.
- Attacking people in respawn locations.
- Spamming or making in-game chat unreadable.
- Slowing down the beta process by being clearly not focused on testing properly the game or preventing other people to test it properly.

Sanctions shall go from jailing or temporary banning to regenerating tent/faction map or characters deleting.

this is certainly ban!

well, you did retaliate with insults towards mothers, so you're just as guilty as he is...

he incite me... I was quite for short time
he said:
Jack Raven: noob
02:11:59 • Jack Raven: with mercenaries
02:12:07 • Neode: im not noob
02:12:11 • Jack Raven: yes u re
02:12:13 • Jack Raven: stupid faggot
02:12:15 • Neode: fuck off - so he understand and chill out from me
02:12:17 • Jack Raven: without brain - what this for???
02:12:18 • Boon Lived: shutup jack u noob
02:12:22 • Neode: you mother fucker

02:13:23 • Jack Raven: russian bitch
02:13:24 • Boon Lived:
02:13:33 • Neode: уродик
02:13:39 • Jack Raven: russians are gays

thats a racism!!
I wasnt talk about his nationality. even there in russian says about just him not his nationality. - only for that !

he started first - in this game is really important is reputation - so I was just need to answer him.

if you not decided to do something with him - that will be breach of rules - Im not right? not me was start this insult!! I am right!


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