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Bad words on other player - insulting

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Dylan Fraser:

--- Quote from: Surf Solar on August 15, 2010, 09:56:28 am ---Its hard to read proper, aight Dylan?  ::)
No one os talking about in character swearing ( as lpng as it doesnt get out of hand), we are talking about a) racist speech or b) contineous insulting of the player itself, not his ingame character, which is some kind of "metagaming". These things wont be tolerated if seen.

Also, I am really interested to know which NPC exactly calls you a "faggot".
Care to elaborate?  :) 

--- End quote ---

I forget the exact NPC that calls you a faggot, but I remembered it because I found it particularly humorous.
I'm pretty sure this NPC is in The Den, though.


--- Quote from: Dylan Fraser on August 15, 2010, 10:02:25 am ---I forget the exact NPC that calls you a faggot, but I remembered it because I found it particularly humorous.
I'm pretty sure this NPC is in The Den, though.

--- End quote ---
I think it was Metzger.


--- Quote from: JovankaB on August 07, 2010, 06:56:15 pm ---We don't know what happened before the log and screenshot. It's clearly stated that GMs have to witness breaking rules personally. If we make an exception, soon some trolls will start posting fake logs and screens.

If you see someone breaking rules, call a GM with: +requesthelp come invisible, (player name here) is (what he is doing here).

--- End quote ---

IM sorry - there is log - what was before I showed up near him and I have screens of his actions in text way, what is breaking of rules. I was reported this first not him, so right on mt side.

He must be banned already? I was on vacation a week - it must be already decided.

Really sorry -
is this guy is banned?

You insulted him too so I guess both of you should be banned this way.


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