Other > Off-topic discussions

Bad words on other player - insulting

<< < (6/10) > >>

yes, you are right.
that funny - but usually I never even react - can say of course: "get off" or some..

but I was really in bad mood..

You should remember always one thing:
"Wasteland is harsh"

no no...

that all other things - insults because of nothing against rules...
the point is - that insults was in RP, not of some gaming sort - its just because guy wasnt like something and he can insult you and be free after that. its AGAINST RULESSS!

I dont get how he isnt getting banned...  You have a log and Screenshots, what the hell more do you need?

We don't know what happened before the log and screenshot. It's clearly stated that GMs have to witness breaking rules personally. If we make an exception, soon some trolls will start posting fake logs and screens.

If you see someone breaking rules, call a GM with: +requesthelp come invisible, (player name here) is (what he is doing here).


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