Other > Closed suggestions

Improved bank.

(1/3) > >>

What about if bank can store items/weapons too?
Now it can only store money (i don't know how much in max)

Because novices lost their stuff very easy and gather items back is very hard.

Cost of bank account maybe 300 Caps?
But if you have stuff in you back you lost them anyway (Store them to bank)

Edit: Can tent Store items?


--- Quote ---Edit: Can tent Store items?
--- End quote ---

You have your tent to store items, so, I think improving bank would be useless too.
Not up to me to lock that thread, but as answers have been given...

Where Tent can be put?
Somewhere in city?


Tent can be set outside map if you got 10 brahmin skins in inventory and use science on them (left mouse button click on skin and select face).



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