Other > Suggestions
Discard party member button change
Is it just me who mistakes those two buttons? Namely, giving leadership and discarding from the party? They both have arrows and it confuses me a lot. Couldnt it just be KICK or OUT or some other image?
Just for you I made this mod. Just put it in your fonline\Data\art\interface directory. Its the same button with the yellow letters KICK on it. If you don't like how I did it, feel free to change and repost.
Wow thanks!! Id never thought it is possible to simply make a new image for that... Ill PM you cause I do not how to install this. You should post it to "Tools and modifications" :P Thanks again
I posted it in the Mods section under "Kick Button"
All you have to do to install is copy the file to your Fonline\data\art\interface directory. If you don't have that directory just go ahead and create it, there shouldn't be any other file that your overwriting unless you've extracted all the .Dat files
The file is a .png file, which you can open with Adobe Photoshop or GIMP(which is freeware), and its just your basic picture file.
Still, problem remains.
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