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Pointless Weapon Tweak Thread MK2

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Mars Sultan:
I've clearly been gone a while, because in the last couple of months or so small guns have undergone some changes. Good changes? Well, I suppose in this case I mean "changes" as in a girl who wore too-tight-fitting bras during puberty and her tits didn't develop right.

A while back I posted a thread in this very forum suggesting some completely and utterly sensible changes to some underused small guns. To paraphrase, I basically proposed that the Grease Gun should have an AP cost on par with a typical SMG and that the Tommy Gun should require 5 ST instead of 6. Among the replies I received were something to the effect of "we need to fix the weapon system as a whole before tweaking individual weapons." I'm not sure if a dev responded or not; frankly I doubt I could find the thread behind the thousands of "my gang got their shit slapped, nerf the other gangs" threads.

This brings us to the assault rifle, which roughly got a 35% base damage boost. 8-16 to 12-21.
We need to fix the weapon system as a whole before tweaking individual weapons.
Meanwhile the FN FAL, which realistically employs a sniper-caliber round almost twice as heavy as that of the assault rifle, got a 10% damage boost. 9-18 to 10-20 if you're generous with rounding.
We need to fix the weapon system as a whole before tweaking individual weapons.
None of the other small guns - especially the ones I mentioned that are underpowered in meaningless ways - have received any attention and are for the most part not worth seriously using.
We need to fix the weapon system as a whole before tweaking individual weapons.

My suggestion... Well, besides fixing the weapon system as a whole before tweaking individual weapons, is to make the FN FAL's damage more up to speed with the M60, since the two weapons appear to have very similar ballistics. I'd say somewhere around 14-26 is a fair tweak to the FAL's damage, but with the tradeoff that the burst be reduced to 5 rounds rather than 10. This is because no one in their right mind would try to fire 10 rounds on full auto with a FAL, but I assume you knew that. It still won't have the accuracy boost that the AR and SR confer, but with the penetrate perk it'd be suitable for some devasating single shots against pretty much any target.

Being that 7.62 ammo is only craftable in a rather limited environment, and the weapons that use it are endowed with steep material requirements, this is more than reasonable. Though to be fair this is all coming from that nagging little voice in my head that continually assures me that people still give a shit about this game. I hope he's right!

FN FAL should be the ultimate burst gun in the game if you ask me.  Hell it even says in description it can burst 20 rounds............

Just give it that and you got a worthwhile gun...

Although your right, it'd be insane to burst alot of those rounds, but dis is da futur, they have made miniguns hand holdable for fire for god's sake.

I think that FN FAL should have better damage on 20-45 hex range than avenger burst, but avenger should be ultimate on 1-20 hex. Random changes will not enrich pvp with another weapons (like last Assault rifle change). First idea, then realization, not other direction.

 But there are many player with "big dick syndrome".

 Had you take a note, that minigun/avenger animation looks like penis on that character? I personaly think, that this is the main reason why supporters of this kind of weapon dont want to make a change/balance and they are agresive if you "touch" this weapon in any suggestion.

 So this kind of people will argue that you have to spend a lot of time to craft ammo for this weapon and here is simple solution:

 Make ammo which use FN FAL (7,62) more expensive than other types of ammunition, so in result the burst with avenger or FN FAL will be equal. Dont forget that noone is using other weapons with same type of ammo (i think that only 1 biggunenr used M60 in PvP, but i think it was mistake from him).

John Hancock:
Yeah, I've been kinda wondering about this myself. The Assault Rifle does more damage than the XL703E, has better range, has a higher (and proper) ammo capacity, requires 1 less profession level, is less costly to make... plus, it uses the exact same ammunition, and has the same ST requirement.

In the original game, it did more damage than the assault rifle, but you had to reload it more often. Now, it's worse in every conceivable way. It even weighs more than the normal assault rifle! ;D

--- Code: ---ASSAULT RIFLE
Damage         12 - 21
Single         AP: 5, Range: 42
Burst         AP: 6, Range: 35, Rounds: 8
Damage type Normal
Ammo         5mm
Ammo capacity 24
St. required 5
Type         Two-handed
Weight         3175 grams
Base price 2525 caps
--- End code ---

--- Code: ---XL70E3
Damage         12 - 19
Single         AP: 5, Range: 35
Burst         AP: 6, Range: 30, Rounds: 8
Damage type Normal
Ammo         5mm
Ammo capacity 20
St. required 5
Type         Two-handed
Weight         4082 grams
Base price 6095 caps
--- End code ---

I miss some SG burst weapon or anything else than SG sniper... shotguns, pistols, smgs. All of these are useless in PvP.


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