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Author Topic: Log in Screen Character cooldown timer.  (Read 4864 times)

Re: Log in Screen Character cooldown timer.
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2010, 10:06:18 pm »

Don't log off in public...
Shouldn't matter, even if you log off at NCR bazaar you'll disappear in 3 minutes, and then can log in.
Also if you see someone disappeared without (off), then you can shout something bad about fast reloggers.

John Hancock

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Re: Log in Screen Character cooldown timer.
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2010, 10:10:58 pm »

When I first started playing a few days ago, it only took me three minutes to switch characters. Now, though, it takes a full ten, no matter where I log off.

I guess it's so people can't "scout" effectively with alts or mine/gather 2-3x more stuff in the same amount of time.
Re: Log in Screen Character cooldown timer.
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2010, 10:12:51 pm »

When I first started playing a few days ago, it only took me three minutes to switch characters. Now, though, it takes a full ten, no matter where I log off.
Oh... I using 2 clients for only my main and 1 hth alt, but I waiting usually 3-4 minutes before log in on different, so I don't relog on the same client, it's annoying to write nickname and password each time, much more easier to run other client.
Yes, with 2+ clients you don't need to wait, but you also need to check if any GMs are online ^_^
Because if they do, then you can appear in good old cathedral.
Re: Log in Screen Character cooldown timer.
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2010, 05:26:33 am »

What if my brother is not home?

just putting ideas out there. I meant if you logged in within like 15 minutes of him logging out.

Not having alts would make the game so much better in my opinion. My opinion I mean, i don't care what others say, in my opinion it would be better. Imagine how few thieves, suicide bombers, 300% sneak invisible people, suicide bursters and addict PVP builds there would be! Completely different game, free from trolls and factions would actually have to deal with supply issues and shit.

I started with 3 accounts in fonline, now I only have one character who is a smallgunner outdoorsman and armorer. Much better experience.

But this is not the thread for this is it?
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20:50:01 • You were critically hit in the head for 55 hit points, knocked out and had your armor bypassed.


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Re: Log in Screen Character cooldown timer.
« Reply #19 on: August 04, 2010, 06:24:01 am »

Not having alts would make the game so much better in my opinion.
I could agree with "no need for having alts", and even if not "better", then for sure so much comfortable.
I'm using three chars right now, and few more to manage bases (1 lvl chars with leader status), but I would love to play with one char only, as I always wanted to. Right, this is not the place to discuss about it.
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Re: Log in Screen Character cooldown timer.
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2010, 11:31:05 pm »

The thread is totally derailed I see... but going along with it:

I recognise the FOnline community wants a hard MMO with consequences to every choice you make - that's fine and I am enjoying it as an interesting change from other MMOs where there is no real danger to your character(s) progress and you can't really go wrong.

But, you would have to be insane to limit to one character, especially, as has been pointed out, due to the demanding requirements for specialisation in FOnline. If there are 6 different character types and I can only have one - I am only able to appreciate 1/6th of the game.  If I have put four months of playtime into a character there is no way I am going to delete him just so I can start again.  The result is a player will get bored much quicker because they have explored all they can with their particular character - then they move to another game and you have lost a subscription.  Why not keep these people playing, giving to the community, continuing to pay a subscription fee? Let players play the whole game.

It's the same as buying house with an incredible panoramic view, but you only ever look out the window in one corner.

Realistically you can either have one character that can do a great many things, access the PvE and the PvP.  Or you can allow alts.  There isn't a third option.
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Re: Log in Screen Character cooldown timer.
« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2010, 11:52:59 pm »

The thread is totally derailed I see... but going along with it:

I recognise the FOnline community wants a hard MMO with consequences to every choice you make - that's fine and I am enjoying it as an interesting change from other MMOs where there is no real danger to your character(s) progress and you can't really go wrong.

But, you would have to be insane to limit to one character, especially, as has been pointed out, due to the demanding requirements for specialisation in FOnline. If there are 6 different character types and I can only have one - I am only able to appreciate 1/6th of the game.  If I have put four months of playtime into a character there is no way I am going to delete him just so I can start again.  The result is a player will get bored much quicker because they have explored all they can with their particular character - then they move to another game and you have lost a subscription.  Why not keep these people playing, giving to the community, continuing to pay a subscription fee? Let players play the whole game.

It's the same as buying house with an incredible panoramic view, but you only ever look out the window in one corner.

Realistically you can either have one character that can do a great many things, access the PvE and the PvP.  Or you can allow alts.  There isn't a third option.

maybe you didnt notice, but Fonline is free... there are no subscription fees...
Enzo Wolf
former President of Fenix Trading company
former Trading counsellor of former Gray Rock village :D

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Re: Log in Screen Character cooldown timer.
« Reply #22 on: August 05, 2010, 12:00:20 am »

maybe you didnt notice, but Fonline is free... there are no subscription fees...

That's true, but people do donate voluntarily to cover the server fees, and the game needs to retain a decent-sized player base to remain healthy in any case.

I think both sides in this argument have good points. I too would be interested in one character per player, and I agree that having fewer lame-O builds like suicide bombers and naked pickpockets would be an excellent result of that (I'm really new, so I haven't seen the full extent of these myself, but I can imagine).

On the other hand, I'm not budging from my own side of the argument, which is that something's gotta give if we ever want people limited to just one character each. 2238 is a major accomplishment, with a huge player base and active forums for what it is, but it simply doesn't have enough going for it just yet (in each individual area) to limit people to one character. They'll get bored or frustrated and leave.
Re: Log in Screen Character cooldown timer.
« Reply #23 on: August 05, 2010, 12:06:38 am »

As JH pointed out, people are paying for this, if not everybody.  The people who are developing, testing, updating the wiki etc are paying with their time too.

Enzo, I am assuming you take the game seriously and if it were possible, would improve the game and increase the manpower behind its development, then you would pay a subscription fee - without some financial support the game will stay a permanent beta with a lack of content and huge list of things people would like to have change.  You don't need to be awkward and sarcastic just because it is the internet.
In Russia, MMO plays you.
Re: Log in Screen Character cooldown timer.
« Reply #24 on: August 05, 2010, 07:08:28 am »

But, you would have to be insane to limit to one character, especially, as has been pointed out, due to the demanding requirements for specialisation in FOnline. If there are 6 different character types and I can only have one - I am only able to appreciate 1/6th of the game.  If I have put four months of playtime into a character there is no way I am going to delete him just so I can start again.

meh, just putting ideas out there. I know other online games have instant bans if you interact with another account on the same IP as yours, and they're flourishing. Maybe that would be better. Maybe items and cash placed on the ground by a certain IP address are invisible to people with the same IP as you? You could still barter with your flatmates, but you couldn't dump a stash for your own alt. Anything to make it more difficult to abuse the whole alternate account set up.

edit: after testing i mean, if it ever ends. Like i originally said, multiple accounts are good for testing a beta.
20:49:58 • You encounter: Ghoul crazies.
20:50:01 • You were critically hit in the head for 55 hit points, knocked out and had your armor bypassed.
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