Other > Faction Announcements
Suspension of alliances
That might be true, but we stil were allied. It takes as much effort to leave an alliance as leaving an alliance&deleting NC. I am sure we can do it without deleting NC.
Red Dot:
Disband Alliance takes much efforts, delete nc frome game is one update.
The players wont have NC only if they will delete it. There was a tool working as NC back in second age, I am sure it would appear again or somebody would create a new one. And NC is imho a great feature even if it adds a little simplicity to forming alliances. As you said, disbanding an alliance is a hard thing to do and I agree. But disabled NC is so little problem that it would have almost no impact while sacrificing a whole lot.
Steve Zissou:
--- Quote from: Solar on August 02, 2010, 10:05:09 am ---Its already been said that next wipe will see a change to drugs and perks. We can't really change these things without also wiping away all characters.
Pretty universal that TC should be 15 minutes too.
Also needs windows putting in to most buildings aswell.
The idea about different minigames for TC is interesting though, maybe eventually it could be several of them and chosen randomly each time.
--- End quote ---
So....the devs will do one major update to address all issues most likely. It would be nice if they could lower TC timer for the time being, but I doubt it.
Delete NC? Guys come on, a so usefull tool! Also, it won't disband alliance, it will just make it a little harder!
Want to remember how it was before NC?
Here: http://www.fonline.fr/FR/OrphansChro_06.jpg (copyright Cryofluid ;p)
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