This really makes me laugh; 100+ views, 0 replies.
We are an honest gang of thieves, professional killers, murderers, crafters, BoS members, Enclave Recruits, and Gee-willikers! We're all that and a bag of chips!
So if your looking for help with your TC or some very profitable trade routes then PM me.
Let the record state that allies get a 25%- 50% discount on all goods! This includes armour, weapons, ammunition, drugs, and meds!
Let the record also state that we are looking for gangs to help us in all ways. Such as assistance with Mass Murder, Genocide, Trading, Mining, Crafting, Faction Hunting and of course the very special occasions of terrorising NCR with our beloved bombers and kamakazi simpletons.
We are mostly a gang of level 21's with professions, we have about... 4 bases on the worldmap and a dozen tents. So we are pretty spread out, the only down side is that we won't grant access to any bases, but we will definetely make a giant public tent for both gangs.