Other > Closed suggestions
unlimited amount of jets in crate
why jet have ~200 limit in boxes? Its very bad, becouse players dont have too many boxes for ' drugz ' soo maybe make it like nuka cola or cigaretes ?
Sorry for bad english.
I would love to build a Nuka-Cola machine that can dispense Jet.
About your problem Riot, why dont you try getting a brahmin and buying a cart for it? I'm pretty sure that would hold alot more.
Hmm i just had an idea. Would it be possible to post machines in towns that sell specific items (small items like flints, Nuka-cola, drugs, ect) like a one of those Dispenser Machines that you can trade for caps. I know there is problems with this but i would really like to see my franchise of nuka cola machines rule the wastelands.
i have base with my friend so i cant have drugz in merc. Caravan limit is ~400 but i dont want to go always to caravan near exit grid.
It doesn't work like that. Containers are not linked to jet. And grinding is bad ;)
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