Other > Closed suggestions
in combat TB
so now we know that some big players are whit a caravan near a town in TB, kill some curios noobs,getting rich and those poor bastards can't kill them becoze is not there turn
or you are in TB encountermyou need 1 hour to escape it(if you are unlucky) and your frends are w8ing for you for IDK what things
my solution:
only the players in combat shoud move in turns, and enter combat only if shoots other people or NPC or if he is shoten this way we can avoin the players that hunt in TB whitour losing our precios time,and avoid caravaners
but of course, you go near exit,burst some shots to kill someone and then leave whit the xp,so why not you shoot and must w8 for 3 turns to be able to exit and to leave combat you must have 3-5 turns whit the end-cmb toogled
ideeas for improvment and coments please
ditty smalls:
Good idea.
and what? Guy with high sneak can go, steal and run becouse nobody see him - nobody shoot?
How can you connect TB with RT in the same time?
And in that case you can go close to one player that is not his turn now and then shot (the best for HtH players)
or you can avenger his ass at point blank range when it is the NPC's turn from what I understand, too buggy anyways, quite terrible suggestion because it will be aboozed the living shit out of...
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