Other > Faction Announcements

Bandits are recruiting {PK}

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Bandits are PK faction. PK means we rape and kill innocent people and show no mercy, we shot anyone who is not marked as friend in our name colorizing list. We are looking for members that are active during day in server time GTM+1. Goal of gang is to recruit enough players in order achieve ability of raiding one of those northern towns/mines.
GMT+1 from 9AM to midnight (if you cant be much active during this time, you'll miss many actions, its like not playing with faction)
English language and microphone (headset) Mumble 1.2.2/1.2.0 for x64, (Skype not required but good to have)
Its always good to have any higher level character but not required, tho it will save you time making new.
Stealing is allowed, after stealing you'll be shot and expelled from faction. Pissing off people and playing like noob will also lead to kill-kick-ban. We are serious faction and do not tolerate idiotism.

PM me on this forum, or write your contact information, I'll respond as soon as possible.

Winston Wolf:
I am serious faction. Yeah. :D

Steve Zissou:
are you allied with TCB?

Yes we are allies with the Bandits :)

Wow a Raider gang that doesn't know how to have fun....  What fun...


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