Other > Suggestions

Solution to TB FA/Doc


My idea is converting AP into timeout. The formula is something like this:

1. 1 AP = 2 seconds
2. If a player skips/ends turn while still having free AP (doesn't count "Yellow AP") All cooldowns go down by the half of remaining AP still not breaking rule number 1. Example: I have 10 AP, 2 of them are yellow (bonus move perk) I skip turn, my cooldowns go down for 8 seconds.
3. If there is 1 AP remaining while ending turn, all cooldowns go down by 1 second.


I think Surf Solar said there already is a plan to convert cooldowns into turns, we'll just have to see how it works.

Edit: Hmm I don't think it was Surf... idk who it was some dev or GM.

Edit: Here we go:

--- Quote from: FischiPiSti on June 28, 2010, 03:27:03 pm ---Devs said, they're going to enable TB FA/doc once turn-based cooldowns are supported. Which means that instead of the seconds, the "CD" will be turns.

--- End quote ---


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