I understood LagMaster proposed to implement a trait that gives you 4 tag in return for-10% to all skills (like GIFTED)-5 to skill rate each level
the max skill number needed for a lvl 3 profesion is 3 (2 for doctor,1 for armorer)so is useless for crafting alts
i was saying about that you need 1 skill for the armorer profesion(repair)and 2 skils for doctor profesion(FA+Doc)
pfffff, listen,i am saying that:for the profesion you need the skillsArmorer repair(1 skill)Doctor Doctor;First aid(2 skills)Demo-Expert Scince;traps(2 skills)Weapon crafter wepapon skill;Scince;repair(3 skills)but nvm,the max skill number is 3,not 4 so this traint is veary usefulllet's just delete this skill relpys,ok Mods/GMs/devs?
shit ;f i cannot understand a damn thing from what you write, sorry but work a bit on your english