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What is enough skill in big guns?


hey im tryin to figure out how much skillpoints i need to put in big guns to make em 100% effective at max range,.

i hear u only need perc 7 to reach max range with bigguns so is it enough to have only 150% in that skill to get 95% chanse to hit at max range?

and does big gun skill affect dmg?


PE 7 maybe something about 150-220 enough i think.
But someone skilled can edit, if im wrong.

7 PE? You need 210%

thx for the info,.   ;D

allso, can someone tell me about sequence? is it worth it taking kamakazy and 1-3 earlier sequence? i just made a char like that,.    how does it work when u encounter players allready in turn based combat? do u get sent to the back of the line or does ur Sequence help u at all?

You started battle first so sequence is useful :)


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