Other > Closed suggestions

slavers encounter

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--- Quote from: runboy93 on July 31, 2010, 09:35:39 am ---If they attack.. don't hold back :P
Well they are kinda weaklings and easy to win.

--- End quote ---
That mofo with the deagle will knock your ass out though....

ditty smalls:
I want to be able to enslave the slaver.


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on July 31, 2010, 10:19:32 pm ---That mofo with the deagle will knock your ass out though....

--- End quote ---
He cannot stand "The Redding Mobsters" faction :)

ha, I go and farm for stimpacks there, the bald guy is easy to handle once you blind him, or cripple his leg... the others are fucking pushovers...

More buyable things in the wasteland = Less people in towns.

I close this idea but if devs want to add something, they can re-open it of course.


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