Other > Suggestions

Mine Foreman Dialog

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--- Quote from: kraskish on July 29, 2010, 11:59:11 am ---Lol just some good reason to start charisma build alting  :-\

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People already do that crap to get alot of gaurds at faction bases so why does it matter?


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on July 29, 2010, 08:10:09 pm ---People already do that crap to get alot of gaurds at faction bases so why does it matter?

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You do have a point, I might change the Charisma requirement to a barter requirement, or do both

I think you guys are worrying too much. If someone wants to get rich by doing that, let 'em. The only problem I can foresee is people automating it, I don't know how you'd bypass that besides a cooldown. But then you're making it useless.

Maybe give the option to trade the ore for guns and ammo instead. You cash in five and get a leather jacket/pistol+some xp. I think people that are likely to farm that will find more efficient ways.

nicw ideea,the taxi alts can buy for bases,thy allready exist,no need to make other alt(taxi alts have 10 CH)


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