Other > Suggestions

Hatchet Suggestion

(1/2) > >>

As i know - Indians  - used hatchets to throw at eney - also to chop enemy with it . :) 1

Small suggestion : Use Hatchets also not to chop wood - but enemy also : so give it option - throw , and cut/chop  (stats like spear)

and change look when hathet is on a ground. Make it like baton, but no shovel!

just it wasnt a weapon in F2  :-\ (pretty sure)

if i had a hachet in RL and to wood choping,i whoud use it agains animals like bears and woulfs,why not using it in game as a weapon?

thats an good idea. maybe it would be also possible to integrate some melee weapons from FOT, to level up the variety of melee chr and encounter, man homeless people with broken bottles :D


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