Other > Suggestions

About TC leaders


Hello. Its not new suggestion but i think its best idea to make TC better without making more hard work for devs. There is problem with making towns "none". Best solution is just dissable that option about killing TC leader by guarding facton and set TC leader respawn to 10 sec(or make his hp 9999).
Let's think about why we got that rule with killig TC leader by member of guarding faction. Because we dont want situation when guarding faction will kill leadrer(to "protect" their cities). When tc leader's respawn will be 10 sec noone will kill him every 10 seconds. It will be really stupid. And even after that 10 sec we can take city without any problem. You can think about it, change this idea and add it in next update which will be... soon.




--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on July 27, 2010, 11:21:28 pm ---http://www.fo2238.fodev.net/wiki/Soon


--- End quote ---

dude, your posts are everywhere :o


Spam more.

didnt know... But maybe now devs will see that solution? hmm...? :) I'm waiting for words: "will be in next update". :D


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