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Build Recomandation, Slaver Sniper

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For slaver fast shooter with 1 luck is the best choice IMHO, snipers do to much damage / shot and require to much skill points for the combat skill.
Remember you will also need high outdoorsman (at least 150% in my opinion) and 9 CH, so 1 luck is very helpful here too.


--- Quote from: JovankaB on July 27, 2010, 10:11:04 pm ---For slaver fast shooter with 1 luck is the best choice IMHO, snipers do to much damage / shot and require to much skill points for the combat skill.
Remember you will also need high outdoorsman (at least 150% in my opinion) and 9 CH, so 1 luck is very helpful here too.

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The part that sucks about the trade-off there is when your 10mm SMG, or worse, HKp90, is destroyed in front of your face, which can happen even if your enemy doesn't have jinxed.  :-X


--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on July 27, 2010, 10:34:00 pm ---The part that sucks about the trade-off there is when your 10mm SMG, or worse, HKp90, is destroyed in front of your face, which can happen even if your enemy doesn't have jinxed.  :-X

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Hah, I got 1 luck build just as she described and that never happens to me, worst thing is losing all my ammo or dropping my gun.


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on July 27, 2010, 10:56:30 pm ---Hah, I got 1 luck build just as she described and that never happens to me, worst thing is losing all my ammo or dropping my gun.

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And i have a 10 LK sniper that  keeps missing turn and dropping weapon also all the time, while my
1 LK leader rarely gets a critical miss.

Also it IS possible to be a semi-leader sniper but you can only have around 2 mercs/slaves or it goes really bad

Slaver Snipe:
No i have no build recomendations for a slaver sniper.


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