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Stats RL

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Here's your RL character generator. Add and subtract as you wish. No free points. Man up, you delusional bastards.

But guys, just pretend it's 1-10 in modern real life. You give your points in your thinking. 10 will be fucking monstrous but wtf - you don't have to be fucking Einstein because you've got 10int. Lets say that people like him are above this level and it's a scale for fuckin' casuals who play FO2238


--- Quote from: SmartCheetah on August 02, 2010, 12:03:17 am ---C - 7

--- End quote ---

Definitely too low, mister cheetah. Don't nerf yourself ;)

Charisma 10 isn't even possible. From one person's point of view you're annoying while someone else finds you charming.

Well, there are definetively people with some natural born charisma out there.
Jesus? (was for sure some charismatic guy, even without the religious stuff), many "dictators" too, well, especially (geez, the bad word :/ ) Hitler was for sure a charismatic guy, people seemed to hang on his lips. That's then what I mean, charismatic people can be "good" or "bad", if they are charismatic enough people will do everything they want and they gather huge amounts of followers. Also a perfect example that Charisma hasn't anything to do with how one is looking. ;)


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